Sunday 14 September 2008

Echoes of Plato's Atlantis

First described by Plato, Atlantis and its catastrophic downfall is one of popular science's most enduring controversies - the original location of the vanished civilisation is still hotly debated. Dr Iain Stewart investigates the myth of a lost city.

Quite why a story written 2,500 years ago by the Greek philosopher Plato continues to capture the public imagination is a mystery in itself - a mystery fed by countless books, films, articles, web pages, and now a Disney cartoon. It has spawned a rich populist sub-culture (much of it internet-based) which pits the passions and imaginations of committed 'Atlanteans' against the orthodox analysis of the scientific mainstream. BBC History...

1 comment:

Nobody said...

Atlantis was a real place. See my blog: The Eclectic Intellect